

Deploys Tapir to Azure Container Apps with supporting services.


The following services are deployed:

Azure SSO

Azure AD (or another provider) must be configured for Tapir before it will launch.

See variables.tf for auth_endpoint, auth_client_id and auth_client_secret.

The above are only present after creating an App Registration.

You will also need to:

  1. Configure Redirect URIs to include:
    1. https://<DOMAIN>.uksouth.azurecontainerapps.io/management
    2. https://<DOMAIN>.uksouth.azurecontainerapps.io/providers
    3. https://<DOMAIN>.uksouth.azurecontainerapps.io/
  2. Enable the Id Tokens flow type and only the current directory is enabled.
  3. Create an App Role with a display name of groups, type of Users/Groups and a value of admin.
  4. Configure the token to include openid, profile and email scopes (aka API Permissions).
  5. Configure the token to include groups optional claim.
  6. Alter the admin Entra Id group to have the admin App role.
  7. Create a client secret and store securely!